18 Mar 2020
The AEO, ESSA and AEV ask Chancellor to support supply chain
In a letter to the Chancellor Rishi Sunak today, Chris Skeith (CEO, AEO), Rachel Parker (Director, AEV) and Andrew Harrison (Director, ESSA) have asked for a rescue plan to specifically support the exhibition industry and its supply chain.
In it the leaders of the three associations (known as the Events Industry Alliance) have asked for:
- Confirmation of all aspects of both the rescue plan, and the Government's Corona Virus Support Package announced last week will apply to the events industry
- Consider a specific Event Industry Wide Aid package (in line with Danish State Aid Package)
- Business support extended around payment of NI, VAT, Loans, and other repayments for business and individuals
The letter comes ahead of the Chancellor's plan to go into more detail over the £330bn in business support he announced yesterday. See letter below: