Deutsche Messe
As an organiser of around 150 events worldwide every year and as the operator of their 5G SMART VENUE in Hanover – Deutsche Messe think of themselves as creative enablers – always ready to go the extra mile to see their customers more successful & inspired after the event.
Their Venue offers tailor-made spaces for all event formats and sizes - whether live, hybrid or digital. The 5G multifunctional campus makes future technologies visible and tangible and offers countless possibilities for new applications.
Sustainability not only plays a major role in running their company, their venue and organising their events - they also create sustainable turnkey spaces / solutions to run events in a more sustainable way like their newcomer INSTANT FAIR – a sustainable, pre-built, ready-to-use and cost-efficient turnkey confex space. Furthermore, they include thematic areas at their events that specifically revolve around the topic of "sustainability".