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1. Who?

Who is the complaint against?

For example;

• Member (organiser)

• Non member (organiser)

• Venue

• Exhibitor

• Other

2. What?

What is the complaint regarding?

For example;

•Misleading publicity statement

•Expectations of a customer not matched (exhibitors, venues and organisers)

•Behaviour /attitude of staff

•Not/ill-informed about industry related issues


3. Details?

When and where did the incident occur? (Time, date and location)
How do you (the complainant) think it could be corrected?
What action would you (the complainant) like to see take place?
Have you taken any direct action prior to making this complaint with the party concerned?

4. Investigation

AEO to review the complaint and its validity. – seeking further information if necessary. Should further action be required - follow to next point below.
AEO to send details of the complaint within 7 days to the implicated party. Email sent to complainant that action has been taken.
Respondent is given 7 days to come back to the AEO with a solution to the complaint/reason for why it took place.
AEO to consider reply and ascertain if this provides a resolution for both parties.

5. Solution

AEO to review proposed solution and communicate with complainant within 7 days of receiving proposal from the respondent.
Once agreed – AEO to action the resolution and communicate outcome. E.G. Liaise with respondent to issue corrective statement.
Complainant to confirm that the issue has been dealt with efficiently.

Contact us

When you have gathered all the information, please click the button below and we will put things right as soon as possible. 

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