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Focuses on the important issues around sustainability and working together to help reduce the event industry's impact on the environment.

About the AEO sustainability group

“Through the cross association sustainability working group organisers from across the industry join forces, collaborate and share best practice in order to help drive the sustainable development of the events industry. In 2020 we worked to create a practical framework which would outline the key sustainability opportunities for an organiser, with the hope of providing a clear pathway of how to get started and to help align actions across all the associations members.''

Co-chair - Lucy Hurry

Head of Sponsorship Event Logistics, Shoptalk (Hyve)

More about Lucy

Who is it for?

Membership of this group is open to all AEO members.

2025 diary dates

21st January 

20th February (Cross association)

7th May (Cross association) 

10th June

11th September (Cross association)

14th October

12th November (Cross association)

9th December (Cross association)