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The Employee Benchmark and Salary Study


What is it?

The project is essentially a deeper dive on our existing salary survey that members are (or should be) familiar with.

We will be looking at:

  • Skills gaps and opportunities created by the pandemic
  • Identifying the most challenging areas of recruitment
  • Mapping out what we offer as an industry by way of benefits and other policies that make us competitive.
  • Asking questions around diversity, giving us robust data on the demographic of our workforce and highlighting opportunities that will add richness to our workplace
  • Giving you access to benchmarked salary data on what the sector is offering against each function.
what is it

Why is it important?

  • We have always been overlooked as a sector under the events umbrella, with jobseekers not choosing exhibitions and conferences as their first choice of career.
  • We don’t know what makes us competitive as an industry and therefore can’t attract people intelligently.
  • Understanding what we offer means we can benchmark against other industries and become more competitive.
  • Looking at our recruitment methods and diversity means we will be able to restrategise and tap into limitless communities that have otherwise been overlooked.
  • The first part of this project will feed into phase two, asking a number of focus groups why they aren’t attracted to the industry and what they value from an employer.
  • This insight, coupled with surveying members teams and recruitment specialists will fuel a larger campaign for the industry to attract and retain talent.
  • Having a solid and informed strategy will allow us to grow the industry and protect it for years to come.
  • You wont be able to access the full report unless you take part – especially the areas on salary.
why is it important

How it works

  • This will be sent to our database of main contacts and most senior HR contacts – to help us run this smoothly, please make sure we have the right contact.
  • It will take approx 30 minutes to fill in, so please be aware of this before starting.
  • We will be asking for salary data and benefits, so it might be worth having this information to hand before beginning the process.
  • The portal will automatically save your spot from where you have left off, so no worries if you want to take your time over the course of a few days.
how it works